Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Dream becomes Reality

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Well, I don't know if I can call it a plan because I did not realise what an important role this dream would play in my recovery.... but it really worked for me and helped me through the darkest moments of my life.

I thought about setting myself a goal to aim for, so before treatment started, I booked the family a trip to Disney World Florida in 12 months time.

We had always spoken about taking the kids one day, so I thought it would be something positive to focus on during treatment.

I remember lying in bed one day wondering what state of health I would be in  for this trip and suddenly I was overwhelmed by sadness. I contemplated the 3 realities that  faced me:
* I could be fully recovered and have my energy back
* I could still be weak but at least I could relax at the Resort while the family had fun,or
*I would not be there and my husband and children would need this trip to bond as a new family unit.

When this last thought entered my mind, I was sobbing and tears were streaming down my face. I realised  how destructive this way of thinking was to my healing process and forced myself to change my thought pattern.

From then on I viewed the trip as my PRIZE or REWARD for having to go through this experience.

In moments when my body was beaten down and my mind struggled to hold it's own... I would visualise the trip to Disney and imagine myself healthy and laughing, riding all the roller coasters and standing in front of Cinderella's castle with Craig and the kids.

There was no other script to this story in my mind!

Well, guess what? .... 2 weeks before we left for Disney, my PET Scan showed I was clear of cancer.

I felt amazingly healthy! I walked around Disney day after day and rode every roller coaster that I could.

It was a dream come true... OUR CELEBRATION OF LIFE TRIP as we called it!

Next Blog:  Coping with chemo and radiation

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